Protecting and restoring the world’s natural capital.
Rethink. Reconnect. Restore.
Our future is inextricably linked to the health of our soil, forests and oceans.
Taking without giving back is over. Our conscious investment model provides the funding and infrastructure to scale projects that reconnect humanity with nature, regenerating and enhancing the earth’s natural capital for everyone.
Regenerative Loops
Our regenerative investment model provides a scalable, open-source framework that protects and restores natural capital at scale.

Soils are the foundation of life as we know it – and also one of the world’s most cost-effective reservoirs for carbon sequestration. Half of the topsoil on the planet has been lost in the last 150 years, through erosion compaction, loss of soil structure, nutrient degradation, and salinity. We have the solutions to restore this vital resource and support the transition from “conventional” intensive agriculture to regenerative agriculture.
Forests cover over 30% of the Earth’s land, they help people to thrive and survive through purifying water and air, and providing jobs for millions. 80% of the world’s land-based species call them home, and forests play a vital role in mitigating climate change by sequestering carbon dioxide. We are working to reverse deforestation and forest degradation, including regeneration of a potential 100,000 square kilometres of Amazon rainforest in Brazil.

Forests cover over 30% of the Earth’s land, they help people to thrive and survive through purifying water and air, and providing jobs for millions. 80% of the world’s land-based species call them home, and forests play a vital role in mitigating climate change by sequestering carbon dioxide. We are working to reverse deforestation and forest degradation, including regeneration of a potential 100,000 square kilometres of Amazon rainforest in Brazil.